The UEMS-SN/EBN is offering a visitation of neurology departments in Europe. This will be part of a quality circle to improve and promote neurological education and training in Europe.
European neurology departments can apply for a visitation via the UEMS-SN/EBN website to evaluate the training facilities, trainees and trainers, and the head of the department. This is done through structured interviews and an on-site visitation by a UEMS-SN/EBN representative and a national representative.
The report of the visitation will help to analyse the department's training structure and initiate improvements where necessary. Departments that meet the UEMS-SN/EBN quality criteria may then call themselves: "European Board of Neurology accredited department". Residents of these visited departments receive a reduction on the UEMS-SN/EBN examination fee.
Criteria and Procedure of Visitation
for approval as an UEMS-SN/EBN Board Certified Neurological Department for Specialist Training in Neurology
Information on the Visitation
of Neurological Departments for Specialist Training in Neurology by UEMS - European Board of Neurology